Seminar: Finite Groups And Their Representations

Master Seminar WS 2014/15
Finite Groups and their Represention Theory

Time and Date:
Monday, 16:15 - 17:45
Geom 430

Topic: We repeat and deepen the theory of finite groups and learn basic and advanced topics in the representation theory of finite groups. This will be accompanied by working hands-on with several examples. Here is a detailed list of available talks and literature.

Prerequisites: The seminar aims at Master students, but is also open for Bachelor students, who have heard Algebra I. The parallel visit of Prof. Schweigert’s lecture Algebra II will be beneficial, but not necessary. Students may also hold their talk in German language.

Organisational: The criterion for aquiring credits is giving a talk, handing in a manuscript and active participation in the exercise sessions. Please see me early about your talk and hand in a manuscript of your talk latest one week in advance.